Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So, nothing really big has happened lately. I am 10 weeks and 3 days prego. Our book says our baby should be about 1 1/2 inches about the size of a prune. I feel like my pregnancy is going so slow. My next appointment is July 30th. So I am sure I will have an update on the babys progress.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

First Doctors Appointment

So, Thursday, July 3rd we had my first doctors appointment. It went really good. We had an ultrasound done because the doctor wanted to make sure the heartbeat was okay. It was to early to hear the heart beat but they were able to see that the heartbeat was 163. Which they said was really good. As of July 3rd I am 8 weeks and 4 days : ) The due date was changed from February 8th to February 9th. The picture of the ultrasound is not very good. The arrow is pointing to my little blob. Our baby should be the size of a medium green olive. It sounds weird to compare the baby to food. At my next appointment I will be 12 weeks and we will be able to hear the heart beat : ) We are so excited.