Monday, November 3, 2008

Pregnant Belly 26 Weeks

Okay, so here are some pictures of my belly. I am 26 weeks and 1 day. My belly is huge. Well it is to me. I know its all worth it in the end : )


Jes and Megan Coates said...

Awww... Linds too cute. Its funny how it was just last week i was still getting you to help me clean my room and now we are both married with bellys getting bigger everyday. Your going to be an amazing mommy

Angie said...

SO exciting Lindsey!!! Getting bigger every day and that is a fantastic thing. I can't wait to see his cute little fingers and toes.

Ally Cox said...

Look at you and that cute tummy! That is soooo exciting. Just think, you will have a little baby boy to hold and love in no time! It is wonderful!

Maria said...

SO CUTE Kowalada!! I love your belly! He will be here in no time! Can't wait to see how cute he is.

AshleeMattMaxJack said...

I am so excited for you Linds!! Your belly is so freakin cute!!

Kryger Family said...

Wow 90 days!! I'm so excited to meet that boy! btw bowling yesterday we bowled next to a boy named Boston. First time I've seen or heard someone be called that. Such a cute name!

Luv ya!

Kryger Family said...

Wow 90 days!! I'm so excited to meet that boy! btw bowling yesterday we bowled next to a boy named Boston. First time I've seen or heard someone be called that. Such a cute name!

Luv ya!