Tuesday, December 2, 2008

So I thought I better write something since it has been a couple of weeks. So much has happened in the past couple weeks. I am now 30 weeks and 2 days prego. I think everyday my belly gets bigger. He is moving so much, it is so crazy and amazing.

On the 11/19/08 my niece Marley was born. She is so freakin cute. She looks exactly like my brother.

We of course just had Thanksgiving last week, which was delicious and fun. We went up to Kaysville to visit with Jason's mom, sister, nephew and brother in the afternoon on Thanksgiving. Then in the evening we went to my Grandpa and Grandma Nicholson's in Sandy. It was alot of driving but it was worth it.

Now we are just getting ready for Christmas. I can't believe it is already December. This year went so fast. Well I will write more if anything else interesting happens : )


The Black Family said...

Hey lindsey I'm so happy for you and Jason. I can't believe your little Boston is almost here! It's so crazy to think that you're going to be parents. I know you'll be such a good mom and I'm so excited for you. I hope all is going well, and hope that the remainder of you're pregnancy goes great:)